Tough Discussions: Talking to Kids about Racial Violence and Tolerance
Written by: Lynn McReynolds THREE RESOURCES FOR TALKING TO KIDS ABOUT RACIAL VIOLENCE AND TOLERANCE In a few weeks kids will be going back to school – after a summer filled with terrorist attacks, and senseless race-based killings. As parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, we all struggle with what to say, how much to say and/or, depending on the age of our children, whether to say anything at all in an effort to try...
6 Year Old Organic Chemist?! These Kids will Blow Your Mind!!
We don't know of one parent who doesn't think their child is amazing! We totally agree, we have been introduced to some phenomenal kids here...
When Saving Lives Trumps Getting a Driver's License
Yes, so she is old enough to drive but doesn’t and she is so smart she invented something that will actually change lives!! A spirometer...
Superstar Squirts: 12 Year-Old Paloma Noyola Bueno is the Next Steve Jobs
Joshua Davis of has found the next Steve Jobs. The entire original article can be found at <a href=""></a> summary: Paloma Noyola Bueno, 12, lives...
RainbowMe Approved: Grace and Elie, Beautiful African Inspired Children's Clothing
We love products that cater to our audience, and that are beautifully inspired by the vast cultures our audience encompasses. Check out some of the...
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